Witness Factory Acceptance Testing
Valves are important flow control devices in all thermal, chemical, cooling, and distribution systems for fluids and gases. Ricardo Middleton, PE is experienced with Power Generation, Energy, and General Industrial applications of multiple valve designs and configurations. No matter the specifications, we will follow your ITP to the letter and document all conditions, repairs, mishaps, test results, and any other services required.
Typical Valve Assignments:
Surge Valves
Enbridge Petroleum/SPX – NPS 12 Class 300 RF M&J DANFLO Nitrogen Loaded Surge Relief Valves, Houston, TX- Manufacturing Progressive Inspection and Expediting, Witness Factory Acceptance Testing to API 6D, Final Inspection, PSI
Gas Ball Valves
Gulf Petro Chem/ Intertech/ ZyTech – 24″ Stainless Steel Gas Ball Valves, Stafford, TX – Project Expediting, Witness Factory Testing to API 6D, Final Inspection, PSI
Gate Valves
Enbridge Pipeline, Inc./SPX – 30″ ANSI 300, Full Opening, Through Conduit Slab Gate Valve, Houston, TX- Manufacturing Progressive Inspection and Expediting, Witness Factory Acceptance Testing to API 6D, Final Inspection, PSI